Note: * indicates corresponding author, ^ indicates equal contribution
Refereed Journal Articles
Semi-two-dimensional transient modeling of decay heat removal to an external reactor cavity cooling system for a gFHR with effects of heat generation pattern
Khaled Talaat*, Minghui Chen
Nuclear Engineering and Design (2024)
Design and Optimization of Molten Salt Printed Circuit Steam Generators
Mingfu He,
Khaled Talaat, Minghui Chen
Applied Thermal Engineering (2023)
Design of a prototypical natural circulation water-based reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS) for a pebble-bed generic FHR
Khaled Talaat*, Minghui Chen
Nuclear Engineering and Design (2023)
Lagrangian investigation of convective mass transfer of dissolved elements at specimen boundaries in a flowing molten lead loop
Khaled Talaat*, Osman Anderoglu
Nuclear Science and Engineering (2022)
Development of Conceptual Lead Cartridge Design to Perform Irradiation Experiments in VTR
S. Jun Kim, Keith Woloshun, Joshua Richard, Jack Galloway, Cetin Unal, Jeffrey Arndt, Michael Ickes, Paolo Ferroni, Richard Wright, Osman Anderoglu, Cemal Cakez,
Khaled Talaat, Shuprio Ghosh, Brandon Bohanon
Nuclear Science and Engineering (2022)
Leveraging neutronics to monitor mass transfer corrosion in lead and lead-bismuth cooled reactors
Khaled Talaat*, Osman Anderoglu
JOM (2021)
Design of specimen holders for flow accelerated corrosion experiments in molten lead with numerical evaluation of pressure losses
Khaled Talaat, Md Mehadi Hassan, Cemal Cakez, Shuprio Ghosh, Brandon Bohanon, Keith Woloshun, Cetin Unal, Osman Anderoglu
Nuclear Engineering and Design (2021)
A Comparison of CFPD, Compartment, and Uniform Distribution Models for Radiation Dosimetry of Radionuclides in the Lung
Khaled Talaat, Adam Hecht, Jinxiang Xi
Journal of Radiological Protection (2021)
Simulation of aerosol transmission on a Boeing 737 airplane with intervention measures for COVID-19 mitigation
Khaled Talaat^, Mohamed Abuhegazy^, Omar Mahfoze, Osman Anderoglu, and Svetlana Poroseva
Physics of Fluids (2021)
Numerical Investigation of Aerosol Transport in a Classroom with Relevance to COVID-19
Mohamed Abuhegazy^,
Khaled Talaat^*, Osman Anderoglu, and Svetlana Poroseva
Physics of Fluids (2020)
Method of Information Entropy for Convergence Assessment of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Khaled Talaat*, Benjamin Cowen, and Osman Anderoglu
Journal of Applied Physics (2020)
Extrapolation of Thermal Conductivity in Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Bulk Scale
Khaled Talaat, Mohamed S. El-Genk, and Benjamin Cowen
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (2020)
Real-time Resting-State fMRI using Averaged Sliding Windows with Partial Correlations and Regression of Confounding Signals
Kishore Vakamudi, Cameron Trapp,
Khaled Talaat, Kunxiu Gao, Bruno Sa De La Rocque Guimaraes, and Stefan Posse
Brain Connectivity (2020)
Radiation Dosimetry of Inhaled Radioactive Aerosols: CFPD and MCNP Transport Simulations of
Radionuclides in the Lung
Khaled Talaat, Jinxiang Xi, Phoenix Baldez, Adam Hecht
Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 17450 (2019);
Thermal conductivity of silicon using reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics
Mohamed S. El-Genk, Khaled Talaat, Benjamin Cowen
Journal of Applied Physics 123, 205104 (2018);
Deposition of Bolus and Continuously Inhaled Aerosols in Rhythmically Moving Terminal Alveoli
Jinxiang Xi, Khaled Talaat, Xiuhua April Si
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 10, 178-193 (2018)
(Special Issue on Simulation and Modelling in Nuclear Engineering)
Airflow and Particle Deposition in Acinar Models with Interalveolar Septal Walls and Different Alveolar Numbers
J. Xi, M. Talaat, H. Tanbour, K.Talaat
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 1-18 (2018)
Computational modeling of aerosol transport, dispersion, and deposition in rhythmically expanding and contracting terminal alveoli
Khaled Talaat, Jinxiang Xi
Journal of Aerosol Science 112, 19-23 (2017)
Numerical study of dynamic glottis and tidal breathing on respiratory sounds in a human upper airway model
Jinxiang Xi, Zhaoxuan Wang, Khaled Talaat, Carri Glide-Hurst, Haibo Dong
Sleep and Breathing, 22, 1-17 (2017)
Visualization of local deposition of nebulized aerosols in a human upper respiratory tract model
J. Xi, T. Yang, K. Talaat, T. Wen, Y. Zhang, S. Klozik, S. Peters
Journal of Visualization, 21, 225-237(2017)
Conference Proceedings/Transactions
Influence of reactor cavity cooling system design parameters on heat transfer for a prototypical gFHR
Khaled Talaat, Minghui Chen
20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics - NURETH, Washington, D.C., Aug. 20-25, 2023
Sensitivity study to investigate the influence of turbulence closure models on estimated shear stresses on rough specimens exposed to flowing molten lead
Khaled Talaat, Osman Anderoglu
2021 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2021
Examination of Lead-Bismuth Corrosion of SS309 at High Velocities at 500 C
Jake Noltensmeyer, Brandon Bohanon,
Khaled Talaat, Md Mehadi Hassan, Keith Woloshun, Stuart Maloy, Cetin Unal, Osman Anderoglu
2021 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2021
Joining of FeCrAl Based Alloys for Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Applications
Brandon Bohanon, Shuprio Ghosh, Cemal Cakez,
Khaled Talaat, Md Mehadi Hassan, Osman Anderoglu, Keith Woloshun, Stuart Maloy, Cetin Unal
2021 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2021
Anubis: A Neutronics-Thermal Hydraulics Coupling Platform for Flow Accelerated Corrosion Modeling in Reactor Conditions
Khaled Talaat, Osman Anderoglu, Cetin Unal
2020 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Chicago, IL, Nov. 15-19, 2020
Materials Compatibility with Flowing Molten Lead at 500 C
Osman Anderoglu, Cemal Cakez, Shuprio Ghosh,
Khaled Talaat, Madhavan Radhakrishnan, Keith A. Woloshun, Cetin Unal, Stuart Maloy, Michael Ickes, Paolo Ferroni
2020 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Chicago, IL, Nov. 15-19, 2020
Numerical investigation of molten lead flow in a closed loop to estimate pressure demand
Khaled Talaat, Sang Lee, Youho Lee, Osman Anderoglu, Cemal Cakez, Shuprio Ghosh, Keith Woloshun, Seung Jun Kim, Stuart Maloy, Cetin Unal, Michael Ickes, Paolo Ferroni
2019 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC, Nov. 17-21, 2019.
Establishment of an Out-of-pile Lead Loop Facility to Support Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Design
Osman Anderoglu, Cemal Cakez, Shuprio Ghosh, Brian Romero,
Khaled Talaat, Sang Lee, Youho Lee, Keith Woloshun, Seung Jun Kim, Stuart Maloy, Cetin Unal, Michael Ickes, Paolo Ferroni
2019 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC, Nov. 17-21, 2019.
Development of a Numerical Framework to Model flow Accelerated Corrosion in a Lead Loop
Khaled Talaat, Rubel Das, Brian Romero, Cemal Cakez, Osman Anderoglu, Sang Lee, Youho Lee, Heng Ban, Keith Woloshun, Seung Jun Kim, Dasari Rao, Cetin Unal
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics - NURETH, Portland, OR, Aug. 18-23, 2019
A low-power IoT framework: From sensors to the cloud
Kevin Laubhan,
Khaled Talaat, Sarah Riehl, Md Sayedul Aman, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Kumar Yelamarthi
IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology - Grand Forks, ND, 2016
A four-layer wireless sensor network framework for IoT applications
Kevin Laubhan,
Khaled Talaat, Sarah Riehl, Tony Morelli, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Kumar Yelamarthi
2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Patent Applications
Methods for Noise Removal in Functional MRI using Spectrally Segmented Regression of Motion Parameters and Physiological Noise
Stefan Posse,
Khaled Talaat (Filed in 2022)
U.S. and International Patent Application
Peer-Review Service
I have reviewed articles for multiple journals and conferences:
Physics of Fluids (invited > 20 times; reviewed 13 times)
Nuclear Engineering and Design (multiple times)
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Progress in Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Technology
19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19)
2021 American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo
Other Service
Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering (Aug 2022 - Feb 2023)
Session co-chair, Computational Thermal Hydraulics IV, 2021 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, D.C., Dec 3rd, 2021